Executive Committee
My name is Kim Wilson. I am the President for the PTO, having also served as the Communications Director and on the site council before that. I'm also lucky enough to work at Highland, having previously been a high school teacher. Our family immigrated from New Zealand in 2014. We are parents to two Highland students - Harry (5th) and Ivy (2nd) and one Highland graduate Theo (7th). Our family can be found with either our heads in books or outside adventuring. I'm excited to be a part of supporting such a great school!
Hi, I'm Kyle Thompson, Vice President of your Highland PTO. I've served for over a year and helped organize the 2023 Color Run. I sit on a District 196 Council as well. My wife Jessica and I have a 2nd grader at Highland and a 4 year old future Highland Scottie. I look forward to the growth, challenges and successes ahead! Go Scotties!
My name is Nate Simms. I am the current Treasurer for Highland Elementary PTO. I have served on the Highland Site Council for 2 yrs, one of which was in the role of Parent Leader. I also serve on the School District committees of the Superintendent Parent Leader Forum as well as the Curriculum and Instruction Advisory Council. My family moved to Minnesota 5 yrs ago by way of Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, and South Carolina. My daughter, Morgan, will be going into 5th grade this year at Highland Elementary.
My name is Kaitlin Graff, and I’m the Secretary of the PTO. This is my second term in this role and our family is thrilled to be a part of this incredible community. It really is special at Highland. We have three kids- Ryland (7th), Braeden (4th) and Amelia (1st). It's a joy to be a part of this group and to serve Highland however we can!
My name is Coral Karsky and I am thrilled to serve as Communications Officer for the Highland PTO. My husband, Andy, and I have three boys, two of whom attend Highland. We love being a part of the Highland community and you may find me as a substitute teacher, field trip chaperone, or in some other volunteer role at school. I am so happy to have this additional way to serve on the PTO Board.